" Being Intentional With God "

As a individual who has come from a sorted past of the life of drugs and prostitution and sex and living the gay lifestyle after I got delivered by God I look back on it and I was a victim of sexual trauma and I didn't know better. Now that I know better it's required by God to be better. I have been given much so much is required! I was on a ladies scope and she was talking about being and living intentional.
That scope got me to thinking about if I was being intentional and as soon as I asked I was hearing God telling me that I needed to burn 400 pages of my book and start writing intentionally for God and give him the glory and honor and praise so I was obedient to him and burned it and got rid of the copy too that I had stored in my email. 
So my question is how intentional is your relationship with God and are you acting and living accordingly?
Please don't give up five minutes before the miracle happens!


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