The Journey of Completion

“ The Journey Of Totality.”
It’s not just a handle name that I go on all social media platforms that I am on. I do it for a personal purpose and reason for I have been on quite a rocky Journey from a baby and it kept following me everywhere I turned. At once it was as if there were a dark cloud over me from birth at least that is what it appeared to constantly turn into and I couldn't break the strongholds over me when I was a baby. Unfortunately,  my first childhood memory was of my father sexually molesting me when I was three years old. At the age of three most children are starting to talk and I didn't. My mother was a special education teacher and was concerned for she noticed some unusual symptoms of my sensitivity to touch yet my pain tolerance is incredible so I am hypo sensitive. We lived in Omaha Nebraska in 1976 and she took me to a well- known children's psychiatric National Institute called Boys and girls town National Institute. I was four when my mother's fears were confirmed that I was diagnosed as being autistic yet she was turning a blind eye on something that was seriously wrong going on with me and today I don't hate her like I once did for she is a victim of my father as well. What is even more sicker to this equation is that he is a Baptist pastor.  Back then they were uh sing speech therapy to get me to hopefully talk well, I am here to say that there's no coincidental situations in my life for I finally started to talk at the age of seven and I started sounding things out and I was picking up the pencil in no time writing and man let me tell you that turned into a gift for I was spelling at an eight grade level in fourth grade. You maybe wondering what about the molestation that was taking place right? Keep rocking with me and I'm about to touch on that,  however back to learning how to talk once I found out that I had a voice I still didn't talk much verbally yet I seemed as if I was obsessed with writing and I was for that was how I was able to communicate much more effectively. To this day I get frustrated by my being able to effectively verbally dialogue with others. It has always made more sense to write than to talk and there’s no doubt that my molestation has a lot to do with it for my family dynamics were extremely dysfunctional at the finest. I was molested by my father and his deacons and elders and they went so far to make child pornography.  When I was eleven years old my parents made the decision to move from Omaha Nebraska to Billings Montana.  When we moved here it was a catastrophe for me for I was put into so many countless special education programs that I literally exhausted the school district by the time I was fourteen years old. I became rebellious and I was asserting my frustrations and anger in school that I couldn't do at home. When I was fourteen years old I ran away from home to stop getting abused and in turn I met a much more older man and he whispered sweet things into my ear and promised me the world yet what I didn't know is that here I met another predator and I was taking to a party back in 1986 by him and I was introduced to crack cocaine and the next day I was turned out on the streets. It gets even more intense then this so the first few nights I was made to work in my red light district and I was transported by my pimp and trafficked across the country and made to work from state to state. This kept going on for a year until I was trafficked to Chicago and I met another one and he grabbed me up and my first pimp went along with some other young girl. I had absolutely no idea of what I gotten into for my pimp was the head shot caller for the crips. I was in all sort of situations that was scary and I stayed in that mess for eight years there. I was gang raped several times and drugged for the crips and Latin kings were at odds.  I am going to fast forward this however I was diagnosed with having borderline personality disorder and I was out for self destruction and that’s why Psalms 23:4 is my favorite verse for it says As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil. I had absolutely no conception of fear and I have came seconds and inches close to death so many times. In fact I attempted to commit suicide thirty two times. I know that all of this that I am telling you was God working to despite myself.  When my mom found out that I was a prostitute and a drug addicted one on top of it she was on her knees praying for me. I am a true testament that there's nothing more powerful than a mother's prayers. As that lifestyle started to wind down I was in and out of jail and psych wards it was a revolving door for me. The day of divine intervention happened back in October 24, 2007 God started to work in my life as I am looking back at that day. I got indicted on drug charges and I was held in jail that time on a hold. It wasn’t the game of monopoly this time. This was real and it got real real too me to. I was 87 pounds and I wore a size double zeroes and I already had contracted hepatitis c. I was in critical condition and I was shaking and quaking and I almost died twice in jail in three weeks.  I go down in my county jail as a walking miracle for they were fully expecting me to die. I got detoxed from drugs and I have not picked up any mind or mood altering chemicals since October 25, 2007. I'm a miracle for the jail therapist said that with someone who has borderline personality disorder has a one percent chance of getting off of drugs and staying off of them. I began to go to AA  and I got a sponsor and I was in jail for 9 months until I got sentenced and I have not picked up once.  The Journey is still not over yet and I got into the metaphysical world and the gay lifestyle and I was to the point of what do I do and you know I came across a brother's scope and I got introduced to by a wonderful network of kind, loving and caring and I began to feel it and as the result of WWA ministries I met two men that I once hated with a passion for they are cops well, I was on a scope for 4 hours a couple of weeks ago and everything that they were talking about touched me and I am a new creature of Christ as of this week. Those two police officers led me to the Lord this week. Here it was the 33rd attempt until I finally got saved and Jesus said enough my daughter come to me and I got saved at around 11:00 Feburary 20, 2019. I am out of the woods now the healing is taking place and I'm feeling it every day. Satan is so angry for I have been under attack since then for a was a major player for Satan. What was meant for self destruction God said oh but you don't and now I'm under self construction instead of destruction. I say that God wl have the rest of my days. I am journey to totality and it will come to pass! I am naming it and claiming it in the name of Jesus.  Those of you who read this I am going to conclude this by saying no situation is too impossible for the God I am coming to know and please do not give up five minutes before the miracle happens!
With Much Blessings And Love.
Karla Lee Pierce


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