Being Transparent

There's going to be a few things on here that I am going to be transparent about. I'm under the absolute firm belief that no one can get better if they are not 100% honest with themselves. 
As a young girl at three years old my first childhood memory was of my father molesting me and I was molested by him and a few of his deacons and elders over the years while I was being molested by my father as well. It caused me to split off and I developed two serious personality disorders.  I have disassocitive identity disorder and its formerly known as multiple personality disorder and I have borderline personality disorder on top of it. 
When I was old enough to run away from home I ended up in the life of drugs and prostitution and I was being commercially raped everyday. This went on for over two decades until eleven years ago.  I am now a born again daughter of God, however there's things that I am finally just now dealing with and I'm moving forward with my recovery process and my relationship with God and I am in the process of moving to another city seven hours away from where I live currently for I was crying out to God and he said I needed to search for a therapist outside of where I am currently residing. I'm moving so I can heal mentally,  emotionally and more importantly spiritually.  I was willing to go to any lengths to stay sick in my life so I have to go to any lengths to get better and healthy in the Lord and I must seek outside help to let the Lord work with me in transforming and renewing my mind for 2 Timothy 1:7 says: For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. All I know is that I am not going to give up five minutes before the miracle happens.


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